Fundado hace más de treinta años por el abogado (UCH) Carlos Lopez Dawson, integrado por un numero de colaboradores especializado en diferentes ramas del derecho y otros profesionales expertos en contabilidad, arquitectua, ingenieria y medicina.

Carlos López Dawson es doctorado en universidades francesas y ha realizado otros cursos de postgrado en universidades de Francia y Estados Unidos de America. Es autor de numerosos libros sobre derecho público.

martes, 6 de diciembre de 2011


Mines Chile

1.) Copper Mine (Algarrobo Mine)
·        Located 20km east of Caldera
·        Ownership:
·        Size: 6000 hectare
·        Good way for transportation  minerals
·        Metals: Mainly Copper, Gold and Silver have also been found
·        Stone Composition: 150 million tons of stone with 1.2 – 13% copper
·        Price : $20 million plus taxes

2.) Copper Mine
·        Located 40 km outside Copiapo
·        Ownership:
·        Size: 3980 hectare divided into two projects. First project: 980 hectare, second project 3000 hectare
·        Good way for transportation  minerals
·        Metals: Mainly copper, gold and silver have also been found.
·        Stone composition:  First project +
                                 Second project: 150 million tons of stone with 1.2 – 13% copper,                     1 gram of gold per ton, 50 gram of silver per ton
·                                    Price: $20 million  plus taxes

3.) Quartz mine
·                                    Located in the  region 5 of Chile
·                     Ownership:
·                                    Size: 400 hectare
·                     Good way for transportation  minerals
·                                    Metals: Quartz
·                                    Stone composition: 100 million tons of stone
·                                    Price: $1 million plus taxes

4.) Copper Mine
·                                    Located in the region 4 of Chile near Copiapo
·                     Ownership:
·                                    Size: 5400 hectare
·                     Need build way for transportation  minerals
·                                    Metals: Copper
·                                    Stone Composition: 180 tons of stone with 1.2 – 13% copper
·                                    Price: $20 million plus taxes

5.) Quartz Mine
·                                    Located in the  region 4 of Chile at Punta de Choros
·                                    Ownership:
·                                    Size: 400 hectare
·                     Good way for transportation  minerals
·                                    Metals: Quartz
·                                    Stone Composition: 20 million tons of stone
·                                    Price: $2 million plus taxes

6.) Silicium Mine
·                                    Located in the  region 5 of Chile at El Palto
·                                    Ownership:
·                                    Size: 6000 hectare
·                                    Need build way for transportation  minerals
·                                    Metal: Silicium Carbonate
·                                    Stone Composition: 100 million tons of stone with 87% silicium carbonate
·                                    Price: $10 million plus taxes

7.) Iron Mine
·                                    Located in the  region 5 of Chile at Sector Longotoma
·                                    This mine is currently being explored and the data on stone composition are being collected.
·                                    Ownership:
·                                    Size: 6000 hectare
·                                    Need build way for transportation  minerals
·                                    Metal: Iron Las menas de hierro contienen de un 50 a un 70% de hierro,
·                                    Stone Composition: 300 million tons of stone .
·                                    Price: $50 million plus taxes,

8) Proyecto Leonor
·                                    Located in the region 4 of Chile near Copiapo
·                     Ownership:
·                                    Size: 5400 hectare
·                     Good way for transportation  minerals
·                                    Metal: Iron Las menas de hierro contienen de un 50 a un 70% de hierro
·                                    Stone Composition: 180 tons mill. of stone .
·                                    Price: $20 million plus taxes

9) Proyecto Santa Rosa:
·                                    Located in the region 4 of Chile near Copiapo
·                     Ownership:
·                                    Size: 2400 hectare
·                     Good  way for transportation  minerals
·                                    Metals: Copper
·                                    Stone Composition: 1.5 tons of stone with 1.2 – 8% copper
·                                    Price: $20 million plus taxes

              Located in the region 4 of Chile near vALLENAR
·                     Ownership:
·                                    Size: 3400 hectare
·                     Good  way for transportation  minerals
·                                    Metals: Iron
·                                    Stone Composition: 1.5 tons 
·                                    Price: $20 million plus taxes

Prices are for the mining concessions, which give the owner the right to exploit the mines without time restriction. After purchase of the concession, a yearly fee of 3300 CLP or 6.93$ per hectare will become due. The right to exploit the mines – concession right - is protected in the same way as property ownership and cannot be expropriated. In case of change of ownership the concession right remains valid. That means ownership is not automatically bound to concession rights and vice versa.

Concession rights remain valid as long as holder pays the annual concession fee.

All the mines are located in a desert like terrain; thus environmental regulations won’t pose any serious obstacles. Explosives like dynamite may be used within the set of government rules and regulations regarding the use of such explosives.

Foreign workers will need a work permit. Permits will be valid for the duration of employment.

Regarding Taxes and other fees, see attached Ernest & Young file on doing business in Chile.

We have agents in Germ

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